Avion Express ended 2018 with record results and new clients


Avion Express, an experienced ACMI operator, announced its production results of 2018. The company closed the year with the 27% year-on-year increase in production, having flown the record number of more than 52,500 block hours.

The increase in production was driven by the airline’s significant growth during 2018. In the summer of 2018, Avion Express reached its all-time largest fleet of 18 Airbus A320 family aircraft, while the average number of aircraft in its fleet grew by over 20% compared to 2017.

“The fleet expansion and the production increase, which we managed to achieve during 2018, became possible due to the increasing popularity of ACMI services among airlines and constant efforts of our team,” says Avion Express CEO Darius Kajokas. “We try to work to our full potential season after season, so it is great to see that these efforts pay off.”

Avion Express is constantly reaching to expand its client base. This winter Avion Express plans to start operations for Onur Air, a low-cost airline based in Turkey. The two airlines signed a leasing agreement for 2 Airbus A321 aircraft. One of these aircraft will start flying for Onur Air this winter, while the other is set to start operations in mid-April.

During this winter Avion Express also continues working with its long-term partner Thomas Cook Group – 5 Airbus A321/A320 aircraft are flying on ACMI basis for the Group’s airlines in Germany and the UK. During this winter Avion Express also provides its services to a long-term partner Sky Angkor Airlines from Cambodia. Under the recently signed ACMI agreement, 1 Airbus A321 and 1 Airbus A320 aircraft have been leased to the Cambodian airline.

Avion Express is an experienced narrow-body ACMI operator successfully working with clients in Europe, South America and Asia-Pacific. In 2018 Avion Express reached its largest fleet of 18 Airbus A320 family aircraft.