Emirates lays off pilots and flight attendants to cut costs

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Like many airlines around the world, Emirates was forced to cut its costs and scale back its operations in order to ensure its survival during the crisis. The Dubai-based carrier once again let go of staff in order to reduce its expenses.

The first round of layoffs was announced publicly on June 1, 2020, via the Dubai Government’s media office. An Emirates spokesperson stated that the airline is continuously reassessing its situation. It will “have to adapt to this transitional period,” indicated the representative.

On June 9, layoffs continued at the airline, as more pilots and flight attendants were given the notice that they were let go from working at the carrier. On June 10, 2020, layoffs continued, marking the second day in a row that employees were informed of the termination of their contracts, reported Reuters, citing sources at the airline.

Previously, it was rumored that the company wants to reduce its workforce by 30,000 and to permanently retire 46 Airbus A380 double-deckers.

AeroTime News approached Emirates for comment.

In addition, those that are still going to be employed by the airline will have their salary reduced by 50%, starting July 1. The salary cuts are set to continue until September 30, 2020.

The president of the airline Tim Clark stated that “some degree of normality” would return only by 2022/2023 or 2023/24, depending on a multitude of factors, including a vaccine.

“There could be an uptick if a vaccine for the new coronavirus is found. But the next six to nine months will be tough for the airline industry,” predicted Clark.


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