KlasJet – From shifting sands to solid foundations


2020 has been a year of shifting sands for everyone, most especially the aviation industry. But, that does not mean that solid foundations for the future can’t be built in the midst of such trying conditions.

KlasJet fully realise that life is full of continuously changing and evolving situations. They also realise that the most important positive that can be gleaned from this endless cycle of change, is the human ability to adapt. So, why should now be any different?

One of the primary rules when change occurs is to evaluate the situation, and estimate the probable consequences. Back in March of 2020, when the first effects of change were becoming apparent internationally, ASG executives had already evaluated the situation and estimated the predicted consequences.

With this forward-thinking initiative, it was possible to urgently steer the group’s companies on a strategically corrected course. This freethinking efficiency allowed KlasJet to map a steady and calculated path forward.

Responding swiftly to challenges

From the onset of the crisis, it was apparent that adaptability and response times would be the keys to success. Everything was no longer standard, and each emerging situation required its own unique solution.

There were many hard battles fought. Protracted negotiations, urgent re-routings, constantly shifting schedules, last minute flight permit clearances, evolving safety and security concerns to be overcome, but each new challenge for KlasJet was met with professionalism and clearly defined goals.

Every victory, no matter how small – along with the many accolades of satisfied customers – proved to be the real rewards and the proof of KlasJet’s success during uncertain times.

Necessity is the mother of invention

April and May witnessed a complete transformation in the aviation business. The environment changed dramatically as countries rolled from lockdown to lockdown. Group travel practically evaporated overnight. However, in its place another flight phenomenon was born; repatriation flights for stranded travelers.

KlasJet displayed its unique market advantage by applying creative solutions to complex problems, while adhering to aviation regulatory requirements. Using a mix of ingenuity and experience, KlasJet repatriated throngs of stranded travellers from Alicante to Dalian, Manila to Dubai, and Moscow to Karachi.

New horizons and new possibilities

The month of May saw KlasJet’s introduction of a Boeing 737-300 Cargo to the fleet, heralding a departure into new possibilities.

Along with its expertise in VIP flight management, KlasJet was acutely aware of the increased demand in cargo services. With a whole raft of new rules and procedures to overcome, the learning curve was steep, but not beyond the capabilities of a highly experienced team.

• Securely transporting gold bars worth EUR 9M between Doha (Qatar) and Bamako (Mali).

• Cargos also included; medical marijuana, unhatched eggs, day-old chicks, and humanitarian aid for Kuwait and Armenia.

Adaptability as the counter to uncertainty

June saw a moderate increase in demand. However, last-minute flight uncertainty became another challenge to overcome. In order to meet that challenge, many processes were reviewed and improved. This rapid reaction served to highlight the team’s exceptional synergy and communication.

When the second wave hit, KlasJet were prepared and armed with lessons well learned. By adding a CRJ200 to the fleet in October, the company was equipped to meet the demands of small-group travel requests. Not only did KlasJet admirably display its adaptability, but that the company was already laying the foundations for a solid future.

KlasJet are continuously monitoring past practices, present operations, and future possibilities. The company is constantly in a state of review of its internal procedures and processes, and the redesign of document distribution and management systems.

As another example of the shifting sands, KlasJet applied to the CAA for approval to extend operational limits, allowing flights to land in lower visibility conditions (CAT3). The company also implemented the Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS), designed to optimize work schedules for flight crews.

The foundations have been laid for a bright future

With the arrival of several COVID-19 vaccinations on the market, there is hope for the imminent recovery of the VIP flight sector. KlasJet is already prepared for this day, and is poised to tackle each and every new obstacle which is likely to arise.

In the 4th quarter of 2020, business jet usage was expected to rebound by 80% – 85% of 2019 levels. In addition, it is estimated that the sector will fully rebound in the latter half of 2021.

Additionally, safe in the knowledge that long-distance flights are unlikely to disappear in the near future, this presents KlasJet with even more opportunities in 2021, and beyond.

If a year of shifting sands could be best summarized succinctly – how the company has met every challenge, and set in place the foundations for a prosperous future – it would be in the words of KlasJet CEO, Rita Domkute.

“I am heartened that the KlasJet Team was never unnerved by the pandemic situation which threatened to upend the entire aviation industry. They had the faith and courage to overcome the difficulties which arose one by one, and displayed their capabilities in adapting, learning, and preparing for the future. During this challenging time, we remained committed to ensuring our future success. In addition, we consolidated this commitment with the appointment of some of the leading industry experts to our continuously growing team. We have proven that we are not just adaptable in the present, but are also well prepared to lay the solid foundations on which our future is being built.”