Dassault unveils its largest business jet yet: the Falcon 10X

© Dassault Aviation – Droits Reserves

Dassault Aviation unveiled the latest addition to the Falcon business jet family: the Falcon 10X. The largest business jet of the French manufacturer to date, it will offer a range of 13,890 kilometers (7,500 miles), offering non-stop connection between New York and Shanghai, Los Angeles and Sydney, or Paris and Santiago. 

“The Falcon 10X will offer an unrivaled passenger experience over both short- and long-duration flights, along with breakthrough safety features from Dassault’s frontline fighter technology,” said Dassault Chairman and CEO Eric Trappier. “We have optimized every aspect of the aircraft with the passenger in mind and established a new level of capability for ultra-long-range aircraft.”

In December 2020, Dassault rolled out the Falcon 6X business jet, which already boasted the largest cabin of the Falcon family. The Falcon 10X set the bar even higher. The cabin should be 2.03 meters tall (6-feet, 8-inches) and 2.77 meters (9 feet, 1 inch) wide.

After the cancellation of the Falcon 5X over the shortcomings of the Safran Silvercrest engine, Dassault chose to put its trust in Rolls-Royce. The 10X will be powered by two tailor-made Pearl engines, delivering more than 18,000 pounds of thrust. Still in development, the engine will be the largest and most powerful version of the Pearl business engine series.


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