Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport temporarily changes its name. But why?

Groupe ADP

The French Ministry of Transport and the operator Aéroports de Paris (ADP) have decided to temporarily rename Paris’ main airport.

On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which took place on December 3, 2022, Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport will be renamed ”Anne de Gaulle” after the late French president’s daughter, who had Down syndrome.

“The mission given to the Anne de Gaulle Foundation, to support people with disabilities, is a cause that brings people together,” Augustin de Romanet, Chairman and CEO of Groupe ADP, explained. “When the Foundation came to see us with this great idea of ​​renaming our main airport in the Ile-de-France region, with the name of the daughter of General de Gaulle and Yvonne de Gaulle, Anne, we saw in it an obvious connection and a magnificent opportunity to put a spotlight on this cause.”

Thus, for a week, the Parisian airport will help raise awareness for the integration of people with disabilities.

Before this event, the Foundation also raised awareness among Paris Aéroport staff in charge of receiving travelers of the basics of Augmented Alternative Communication (AAC) “to understand better the diversity of communication needs of the people transiting through the airport”.