Chinese navy looks for older graduates to pilot carrier-based aircraft 

Chinese aircraft carrier
Shutterstock / Tik Tok

The Chinese navy is looking to recruit older graduates as the next generation of carrier-based aircraft pilots. 

In its latest round of military recruitment on September 20, 2023, the People’s Liberation Army Navy announced that it is now focusing on those who have gained master’s degrees in science and engineering.  

In a sign that the navy may not be attracting right-minded recruits to become pilots, it has also increased the age cap so that graduates up to the age of 26 can apply.   

In previous recruitment drives, the People’s Liberation Army Navy has only allowed applications from undergraduates who are 24 and under, and before that from high school graduates 20 or younger. 

According to Reuters, as well as upgrading hardware for navy vessels, the Chinese government are also looking for more suitable candidates who can understand the complexities of modern aircraft.  

The People’s Liberation Army Navy declared: “The need for high-quality military talent becomes more imperative day by day. The mission and tasks of the navy continue to expand. The speed of the strategic shift of the navy is being accelerated.”  

Other prerequisites of the role include being male, plus having a clean political history and no criminal background.  

Successful candidates will face three to four years of flight and theory training.  

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