Last surviving 1950s Blackburn Beverley airlifter in danger of being scrapped

Blackburn B-101 Beverley
Leeds Fotografica /

In its prime the Blackburn B-101 Beverley heavy transport aircraft was one of the largest aircraft flown by the UK’s Royal Air Force (RAF). Now, the last surviving Blackburn Beverley is in danger of being scrapped.

The Beverley was operated by the RAF Transport Command from 1957 until 1967 and was renowned for its bulbous shape, with a large ‘belly’ used for transporting large bulk loads or troops.

For 20 years, the last remaining Blackburn Beverley has been stationed at Fort Paull, a former military museum near Hull in the north of England.

After the museum closed in 2020 the Beverley was bought at auction by businessman Martyn Wiseman for £21,000. However, it would cost over $120,000 to move the plane.

Wiseman told ITV News that if the 35-tonne aircraft is not moved by the end of 2023 then it will have to be scrapped.

“I’m desperate, absolutely desperate. Twelve months from now it will either be refurbished, or it will be scrapped and cut up. If you want to save your heritage, step forward,“ he told ITV.

Wiseman originally planned to move the aircraft to Condor Aviation’s airfield, which he owns, but the costs of transporting the Beverley have escalated.

“I’ve offered it to every museum in the country for free. Lots of people talk, but no one’s actually come up with the goods.” he explained.

Wiseman has launched a fundraiser to save the Blackburn Beverley, which is the last model of the 49 ever to have been built.

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