Pratt & Whitney receives $25M FAA backing for ultra-quiet engine fan

Jonathan Weiss / Shutterstock

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is investing $25 million into the development of a new Pratt & Whitney ultra-quiet aircraft engine fan, as well as into a new advanced combustion technology.

Pratt & Whitney announced that the FAA is supporting the American aircraft engine manufacturer with a $25 million investment, to help develop technologies that are expected to reduce jet engine noise as well as make them more fuel-efficient and cut emissions. The manufacturer noted that together with its own $25 million investment, a total of $50 million has been allocated for the ultra-quiet engine fan project.

According to the Pratt & Whitney statement dated September 20, 2021, the investment comes as a part of the FAA’s Continuous Lower Energy, Emissions, and Noise (CLEEN III) initiative, which was launched in 2010 with the aim to make air travel more sustainable. 

“Since its introduction in 2016, the GTF family of engines has helped 54 operators save more than 500 million gallons of jet fuel and avoid 4.9 million metric tonnes of CO2 over 9.3 million flight hours,” the manufacturer said in the statement. 

In order to provide greater efficiency, lower carbon dioxide emissions, and smaller noise footprint for single-aisle aircraft, some of the ultra-low fan pressure ratio engine and turbine technologies that have already been developed will be applied to design and build a new ultra-quiet engine fan. 

“The FAA CLEEN III award will help us build on that success and aligns with our focus on driving sustainable solutions for our customers and the industry,” said Tom Pelland, the senior vice president of GTF engines, in the statement.