Meet Energia: Embraer unveils a family of next generation aircraft

Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer unveiled plans for a new aircraft family called Energia. The move comes in a bid to explore means “to help the industry achieve its goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050”.

Embraer’s Energia aircraft family concept comprises four variants: Energia Hybrid, Energia Electric, Energia H2 Fuel Cell, and Energia H2 Gas Turbine.

According to the manufacturer, each Energia aircraft will apply next-generation technologies that incorporate various propulsion technologies, electric, hydrogen fuel cell, dual fuel gas turbine, and hybrid-electric.

In a press statement dated November 8, 2021, Luis Carlos Affonso, Embraer’s Sr. VP of Engineering, Technology and Corporate Strategy, explained: “We see our role as a developer of novel technologies to help the industry achieve its sustainability targets. There’s no easy or single solution in getting to net zero.”

The Energia Hybrid (E9-HE) variant, which employs hybrid-electric propulsion technology, is expected to be completed in 2030. The E9-HE, which boasts up to 90% CO2 emissions reduction, will be able to carry up to nine passengers.

Energia Hybrid

Energia Hybrid E9-EH / Embraer

The fully-electric Energia Electric (E9-FE) variant is projected to be ready in 2035. As well as the Energia Hybrid, the E9-FE would have a capability to seat up to nine passengers. 

The hydrogen-electric Energia H2 Fuel Cell (E19-H2FC) aircraft will be introduced in 2035. It would be able to carry up to 19 passengers, having zero CO2 emissions. 

The fourth Energia’s family aircraft, the Energia H2 Gas Turbine (E50-H2GT), would employ a hydrogen or SAF/JetA turbine propulsion. Able to accommodate 35-50 passengers, the new aircraft propulsion technology would reduce CO2 emission by up to 100%. The aircraft is targeted to enter the market in 2040.

Embraer H2 Gas Turbine

Energia H2 Gas Turbine E50-H2GT / Embraer

In a statement Affonso added: “Small aircraft are ideal on which to test and prove new propulsion technologies so that they can be scaled up to larger aircraft. That’s why our Energia family is such an important platform.”

Currently, Embraer is developing several projects, involving sustainability and zero-emission targets. Embraer’s Eve Urban Air Mobility (UAM) eVTOL, a fully-electric and zero-emissions vertical take-off and landing vehicle, is being developed to enter service in 2026. 

In addition, the manufacturer is targeted to have all Embraer aircraft SAF-compatible by 2030. To achieve that, Embraer has tested drop-in sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), mixes of sugarcane and camelina plant-derived fuel and fossil fuel, on its family of E-Jets. 


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