Klein Vision flying car receives certification in Slovakia

Klein Vision

The Slovak Transport Authority has granted a Certificate of Airworthiness (CoA) to Slovakian manufacturer Klein Vision, authorizing AirCar, its prototype of a two-seat flying car, to operate flights. 

The prototype completed 70 hours of flight testing in line with European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) safety measures, during which AirCar made more than 200 takeoffs and landings before receiving the CoA.  

According to the Slovakian manufacturer, the testing process included a full range of flight and performance maneuvers in the air, including takeoff and landing, where the vehicle proved its static and dynamic stability without pilot intervention.

“It took a team of 8 highly skilled specialists and over 100,000 manhours to convert design drawings into mathematical models with CFD analysis calculations, wind tunnel testing, 1:1 design prototype powered by electric 15KW engine to 1000kg 2-seat dual-mode prototype powered by 1.6L BMW engine that achieved the crucial certification milestone,” Klein Vision announced in a statement dated January 24, 2022.  

Professor Stefan Klein, AirCar’s inventor, said that its certification of airworthiness had “opened the door for the mass-production” of flying cars. 

Project co-founder, Anton Zajac added: “In the early twentieth century, the car was the epitome of freedom. Now, in 2022, Aircar offers the next level of freedom.” 

The production model of AirCar is expected to receive certification in the coming year.