AirshowFliegerschiessen Axalp 2020 – Canceled “Due to the limited space available, the measures necessary for the protection of the public from COVID-19 cannot…August 13, 2020
air forceMultinational Air Group (MAG) days – “MAGDAYs Exercise” For the second year, the Deutsche Luftwaffe – German Air Force (GAF), has committed itself to organizing the…June 29, 2020
aviationAir Forces and aviation in Covid-19 times Since the first months of this year, the whole world has been struggling against a global pandemic that…June 21, 2020
AirshowNATO Tiger Meet 2020 is cancelled Today, April 23th 2020, the NATO Tiger Association made the decision to cancel NATO Tiger Meet for 2020…April 23, 2020
AirshowFrecce Tricolori 60th Anniversary Airshow – Postponed 2021 “L’Aeronautica Militare, in considerazione dell’emergenza dovuta a Covid-19, comunica che la manifestazione aerea programmata per il 19 e…April 11, 2020