The dog did it: Man’s passport chewed by dog days before departure

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“The dog ate my passport” seems like a lame excuse to get out of getting married, but one determined groom did not let a chewed up passport get in the way of his wedding.

Boston-based Donato Frattaroli and his fiancee, Magda Mazri, are set to get married on August 31, 2023 in Italy. 

However, on August 21, 2023, the couple found out that their year-and-a-half-old golden retriever, Chickie, had done something rather cheeky.

While the engaged couple was at the city hall getting their marriage license and letter of intent, Chickie took Frattaroli’s passport, which was lying on a coffee table, and chewed up several pages.

“I looked at the dog bed and saw my passport where it shouldn’t have been,” Frattaroli told Inside Edition. “I completely freaked out, completely freaked out.”

Frattaroli looked at getting an expedited US passport, but the current wait time for those is two months. 

According to Inside Edition, the determined groom ended up having to “pull some strings” and even got the US secretary of state, Anthony Blinken, involved.

Frattaroili ended up getting a shiny new passport just in time for their destination wedding. 

The couple are now in Italy ahead of their wedding date, while Chickie is in a pet boarding center in the US.